Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Well we left last Thursday to visit relatives in MN. We didn't get home until late on Sunday. I have lots to share with you...

On the drive up we just managed to stay about ½ hour ahead of all the tornados/bad storms swirling around. Made for some really neat skies as we drove. I just read we set a record in WI - 28 tornados touched down on Thursday. Awfully glad we were driving away from the bad weather!

We found this VERY cool war memorial in Richland Center, WI. Despite the bad weather, we had to stop and take pictures.

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All you could see was a "sea" of American flags. It was amazingly beautiful!

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And they had this M60 A3 tank parked there...

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Every flag had a soldier's name printed beneath it. If you ever get a chance to stop and view this memorial, it will take your breath away!

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